Slow Food Illes Balears
Pà moreno de blat xeixa, Pollença © SFIB'09


Slow Bread: recovery of ancient local wheat varieties and artisan bread

In November 2008, a course called “Old local wheat varieties and traditional bread” was organized, with the participation of a group of young farmers committed to the recovery and production of old local wheats, as well as master breadmakers and artisan bakers, agronomists, millers and responsible consumers.

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PHOTO GALLERY of the breadmaking course PA DE BLAT XEIXA

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It was established that in the Balearics the disappearance of ancient local wheats has begun due to the collapse of the connection between producer and master miller, since ancient wheats need to be

stone-milled so as to maintain their quality and not lose their properties.

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Nowadays, the only stone mill that is still active is C'as Siulet, in Sa Pobla, whose miller is about to retire. The installations are perfectly preserved, but a new generation of millers needs to be trained, especially given that it is a good moment, as there is more demand for the product, especially the wheat variety called blat xeixa.

Slow Food Illes Balears is working to promote these old wheats and products, and bring them back to the orologi replica market, especially the dark bread called “pà moreno de blat xeixa” and the sailor's biscuit called “galleta marinera de blat xeixa”, both included in the internationally-renowned catalogue of the Slow Food “Ark of Taste”.




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