Slow Food Illes Balears
Tomàtigues de ramallet. Caimari © SFIB'08

Ark of Taste

The Ark of Taste is a project created by Slow Food in 1996 to elaborate a catalogue of food products from around the world, describe them and attract international attention to them. Since its creation, the catalogue has included hundreds of products from all four corners of the world, counting over 900 products at present. The Ark of Taste aims to be a resource for discovering, nominating and appreciating the treasures of food and agricultural biodiversity that our planet offers.


The scientific commission of the Ark of Taste established the selection criteria of these products, which must: 


    • Be of exceptional taste quality

    • Be linked to a specific geographic location.

    • Be produced in artisanal and small-scale ways.

    • Be produced with sustainable methods and fair labour conditions.

    • Be in danger of disappearing

Up to now, Slow Food Illes Balears has promoted this recognition for seven local products:


    • Formatge de ovella roja mallorquina (PDF)

    • Cheese obtained from the milk of red Majorcan sheep

    • Formatge de vaca menorquina (PDF)

    • Cheese obtained from the milk of Menorcan cows (2008)

    • Peix sec de Formentera (PDF)

    • Dried fish produced in Formentera (2008)

    • Pa moreno de blat xeixa (PDF)

    • Artisan bread made with local wheat from the xeixa variety (2008)

    • Pebre bord de tap de cortí (PDF)

    • Stone mill local paprika produced from the old variety of pepper pebre de tap de cortí (2009)

    • Vi negre de callet

    • Red wine obtained from the local callet variety (2009)

    • Llagosta Menorquina capturada amb nansa

    • Menorcan lobster captured using traditional methods

 replica uhren

See the listing of Spanish products in the Ark of Taste::

- Prensa: Artículo en Namaste, Los secretos del pan de verdad- PDF

- Prensa: Artículo El Pais, Peix Sec de Formentera- PDF


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